Hair Loss

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Hair Treatment

Male and Female Pattern Baldness, also known as “Androgenic Alopecia”, is the most common cause of hair loss and will affect up to 70% of men and 40% of women at some point in their lifetime. Men typically present with hairline recession at the temples and hair loss on the upper surface of the head. Women typically present diffuse or scattered, thinning of the hair over the top of the scalps. This type of hair loss is caused by the shrinking of the hair follicles themselves. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the main reason for the shrinking of these follicles. What will happen is the DHT can cause the follicle to shrink over time thus causing the hair regrown at that area to grow thinner and thinner until it no longer grows.
Quantum Wellness Solutions works with topical treatments for hair loss prevention and restoration.

What Causes Hair Thinning?

The most common cause of hair loss is hereditary. But, there are many other contributing factors, including, to name just a few:

Diseases & Conditions
Harsh Styling Practices
Poor Diet & Lack of Nutrition

Hair Treatment

Men experiencing male pattern baldness typically lose their hair in a very predictable and visible way. It begins with receding at the temples and/or thinning at the crown. As hair thinning progress, the two balding areas eventually meet in the middle, leaving hair only on the back and sides of the head. The reason this band of hair remains is that it’s resistant to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Men with male pattern baldness are born with a sensitivity to DHT that attacks hair follicles at the crown and along the hairline, particularly at the temples.

Women don’t necessarily follow the same pattern as men. Often, there isn’t an easily recognizable pattern in women. They may experience overall thinning, a widening part, or bare patches at the temples. Women don’t have the same band of DHT-resistant hair that men have, so their progression can be more unpredictable.

Hair Treatment

Women don’t necessarily follow the same pattern as men. Often, there isn’t an easily recognizable pattern in women. They may experience overall thinning, a widening part, or bare patches at the temples. Women don’t have the same band of DHT-resistant hair that men have, so their progression can be more unpredictable.

The Solution!


Injectable HRT medication

Finasteride decreases the amount of the hormone that causes hair loss (DHT) which encourages hair regrowth.  

Read more about how Finasteride can help


Finasteride with Biotin​

Finasteride with Minoxidil

How it works

Simple hormone replacement forms
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Simple hormone replacement consults
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Simple hormone replacement Deliveries
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